Let's take a look at the history of the civil rights movement to answer this question. Side Note: This response is the first of many to ...

A non-profit organization dedicated to the eradication of all student loan debt through activism, education, and legislation; because student loan debt is dangerous to the US economy and to the health and well-being of individual Americans and their families. CRYN JOHANNSEN, Founder & Executive Director
Let's take a look at the history of the civil rights movement to answer this question. Side Note: This response is the first of many to ...
Did you pursue an education only for a future return, i.e., was it merely an investment and nothing beyond that?
It's no surprise to me that Ms. Field has discovered that defaults on student loans are much higher than the federal government has sugg...
In response to my quote about education made by the President, one of my readers, Ms. H, wrote: "We have an obligation and a responsib...
"We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have ...
The State Support Leader from Kentucky, Gail Tolson, let me know that she had received an enormously disappointing letter from the White Hou...
I'm going to begin a series of quick posts each week that pose important questions, and I hope that those in power will be open to respo...
Noteworthy remarks posted to my recent piece "Destroying The Educated Family, One Member At A Time:" - Demosthenes of America sai...
This testimonial from a mother of two daughters illustrates the way in which medical problems can be devastating when people owe student loa...
[ The following post is the first of many in a series of responses to a knowledgeable reader. ] Readers' responses are meaningful to me,...
I read these articles far away from home. The most recent one is about double-dip fears and the fact that layoffs are climbing with the deep...