Breakups aren't always such a bad thing. Sometimes it is good to call it quits. In this case, the relationship between Gates and the Was...

A non-profit organization dedicated to the eradication of all student loan debt through activism, education, and legislation; because student loan debt is dangerous to the US economy and to the health and well-being of individual Americans and their families. CRYN JOHANNSEN, Founder & Executive Director
Breakups aren't always such a bad thing. Sometimes it is good to call it quits. In this case, the relationship between Gates and the Was...
The investigative work continues and I am collecting more stories about suicide and suicidal thoughts among student loan debtors. This resea...
Indentured educated servants: prepare yourself for some intense battles. With little resources to promote our voice inside the beltway, the ...
Last year I listened to the SOTU while driving through the South. We had to tune in by AM radio, and at times the crackling speech was as we...
For those of you interested in market updates and news-related stories about Sallie Mae, I've decided to post bi-monthly updates of rele...
It's a cold, frosty, icy day in D.C., but that isn't going to stop me from making it to yet another meeting on behalf of the indentu...
Indentured Educated Texans - I am assisting a reporter for the Star-Telegram in Ft. Worth on a story about student loan debt. She wants test...
The press seems to be failing to put the two-and-two together. New enrollments at the University of Phoenix has dropped by nearly 42% . Lik...
If you would like to join us for the next letter writing/emailing/phone calling campaign, please send me an email (ccrynjohannsen AT gmail D...
I am currently exploring the relationship between suicide and student loan debt . In addition, I recently worked on a piece about a student ...