This is big news - so glad that they passed this bill last week. I want to thank all the activists and politicians who have worked tireless...

A non-profit organization dedicated to the eradication of all student loan debt through activism, education, and legislation; because student loan debt is dangerous to the US economy and to the health and well-being of individual Americans and their families. CRYN JOHANNSEN, Founder & Executive Director
This is big news - so glad that they passed this bill last week. I want to thank all the activists and politicians who have worked tireless...
Most of you have probably already heard, but in case you haven't, student loan interest rates on Stafford loans are set to double on Sat...
I have heard so many stories that are similar to this one. It's infuriating, because it is unjust and cruel and unnecessary. The creatio...
There were many reasons why people in the past fled their homelands. A significant one? Escaping the punishing existence of indebtedness. I ...
If you are a recent graduate who is seriously planning to flee the country because of your student loan debt, I would like to interview you ...
The suicidal notes continue to come my way. One man told me that he is planning to kill himself. I have reached out and told him that he can...
It is inevitable. If you decide to stick your neck out for a cause you believe in, you get attacked from all sides. That is simply a reality...
Rose Aguilar ( @roseaguilar ), who is a journalist and radio host of "Host of Your Call" on KALW 91.7 FM in San Francisco, intervi...
This strip is perfect - he's so good.
Here's my interview on CNN's Newsroom with Carol Costello. I was invited on to speak about the student loan rate battle, but also ma...
Chris Hedges is absolutely right. All eyes should be on Quebec right now . I also urge all student debtors to begin wearing a red square, a ...
My pal, Charles Bivona (@charlesbivona), spoke the best word of truth today: "Tuition is theft." Es klingt richtig!