Well, it's my 7th wedding anniversary, and I'm up reading about predatory lending tales at 1:30 AM. I'll be filling you all in t...

A non-profit organization dedicated to the eradication of all student loan debt through activism, education, and legislation; because student loan debt is dangerous to the US economy and to the health and well-being of individual Americans and their families. CRYN JOHANNSEN, Founder & Executive Director
Well, it's my 7th wedding anniversary, and I'm up reading about predatory lending tales at 1:30 AM. I'll be filling you all in t...
Many of you have asked me whom to write about the student lending crisis. Here's a list of the people I've reached out to already. A...
Do you wonder why ? Not good, friends. NOT good at all. Pitt Community College Sees Record Enrollment Cohise College reaching toward record ...
Tim Grant of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote a recent piece entitled, " Student loans put college graduate into deep financial hole ....
On this late night in Washington, D.C., I want to remind all of you that the Honorable Senator Ted Kennedy would have been sympathetic to ou...
Sallie Mae has come out with an aggressive ad campaign. They are claiming that American jobs are going to be lost as a result of reforming t...
Many of my readers have praised me for being prolific. They have also made remarks like, "I'm going to have to sit down and spend a...
I have been promoting the Forgive Student Loan Debt movement in a number of groups to which I belong on LinkedIn.com . Hint: Here's ano...
What have you, dear readers, been doing to help the cause? I don't mean to sound like a task master, and I know that you are not my pupi...
Gina Moss, a single mother, from Baltimore decided to go to college in the hopes of carving out a better life for herself and her daughter. ...
Many of you have probably seen the recent stories in the mainstream press about a really, I mean, really (ahem) " reliable" surve...
I suppose it doesn't really matter if my comments are awaiting moderation. What's most important: sharing my thoughts with my reader...
I posted two comments on the article here about Jim Sano and the Albany City Council asking Washington to forgive student loans. Here's...
Wow. The College Board's reputation continues to worsen. After another quick search for them on Google, I found a story here about kick...
So, I've been thinking about that data that was presented by the College Board in that frustrating article by Kim Clark. They manipula...
A few days ago I was speaking to a friend who is an attorney. He just so happens to be doing very well at the moment. Plus, he has no debt a...
Clark described the College Board as "an organization made up of colleges." That could mean a host of things. For most readers, th...
Michael Connery's posting here discusses how a bipartisan group of senators were not happy about Obama's eye on reforming aid and l...
The archival dust from the binary system operating behind this clean-looking computer has settled. With the dust particles settling into the...
This excellent blog - History and Education: Past & Present - hasn't been updated since December 2008. It is now an electronic archi...
The Huffington Pos t has picked up the idea of forgiving student loan debt. In Joe Costello's editorial blog, " The Case for Wiping...
The City of Albany is proposing student loan forgiveness . Albany Councilman and Chair of the Finance Committee, Jim Sano , learned about th...
Chancellor Michelle Rhee recently announced that new specialty programs ranging from the sciences and technology to arts and culture will ...
I have been visiting websites for public schools, and most of them are in need of serious attention. That's putting it kindly. There are...
In a recent interview , Kevin R. Johnson, dean of the University of California, Davis School of Law , said, "I fear, given the fees ou...