I posted two comments on the article here about Jim Sano and the Albany City Council asking Washington to forgive student loans. Here's my first comment, which I wrote on August 21st at at 11:20 PM:
I hope everyone here will take the time to visit my blog. I’m learning some very important information about the Dept. of Education (DOE) and its relationship to lenders. I realize that health care reform is a critical issue. Like many of you, I am following that debate too. However, I see the predatory student lending issues and the way in which students at for-profit universities, tech schools, community colleges, and universities are being grossly misled. (I have news folks, I think there is a likelihood that incidences civil fraud will most likely come to light ). This situation, crisis rather, is related to broader issues that are connected to our concepts of community and how we understand our role in this democratic and capitalistic society. I will be clear: I believe that we owe it to people (NOT banks) to help them get back into the system. I’m not just referring to those who have defaulted, but students who have graduated and are living paycheck-to-paycheck with their money going straight to lenders, making it impossible for them to play a role in stimulating the economy (they can’t buy homes, they can’t buy cars, i.e., “big ticket” items that serve to bolster this consumer-based system).
I invite those who support the movement for which I am an advocate, member, and promotional writer to read Robert Applebaum’s Forgive Student Loan Debt proposal here: http://www.forgivestudentloandebt.com/
Here’s the address to my blog again, too: http://alleducationmatters.blogspot.com/
I’ve reached out to city, state, and national politicians about the student lending crisis. Some have reached out, and I’ve even had a few telephone conversations as a result. But the important ones have remained silent. So far . . . (Obama should be open to this idea. After all, if he hadn’t written his first book, he and his wife would still be in debt! We’re talking about THE president of the United States. Doesn’t that seem a bit absurd?)
I am officially (is that possible if you’ve named yourself as such? haha) one of THE watchdogs calling those responsible OUT for this disastrous, predatory, and corrupt system. I am intent pushing Congress to reform the student lending industry dramatically in order to ensure that those children who wish to obtain advanced degrees won’t find themselves, after being handed their degrees, imprisoned and financially shackled by Nelnet, Sallie Mae, etc. like us - we are a new class, the indentured educated class. This country exemplifies the success of a middle class and its dynamism, but that group of people, with all of its spontaneity, may very well vanish. As I see it, the middle class is presently an endangered species.
This idea - student loan debt forgiveness - is revolutionary. That word makes people nervous.
Rest assured, I am a reasonable, even affable person (I love America and dogs!), so one of the reasons I promote Applebaum’s proposal is because its flexible. We’re more than willing to bend, as long as we get something dramatic in return.
Here’s my final thought: things are not working well now. The student lending industry has NEVER been regulated. I say, why not give this proposal a shot? What do we have to lose? Why NOT regulate this industry that’s squelching those who need to be protected? Maybe it will fail. Fine. It can be changed.
Fact of the matter is: the DOE has THE power NOW to change things. There are acts that allow Duncan to CHANGE the way these things are run at this moment. However, he doesn’t seem to be aware of his power. Plus, the DOE is filled with types who worked in the student lending industry. When they left, they went to the DOE. That seems troubling to me.
Anyhow, thanks for your time, and I hope to earn more followers to get my blog more attention. But more than that, I hope to get this off the internet and into actual public discourse (the Hill is the top target).
My blog address again is here.
I'll admit, it's a long post. But there are visible posts from others who are just as long as this one. Moreover, I added another one that was just a few sentences. It was in response to a person name "Reality for All."
Last night at 8:58 PM I wrote:
Hey, “Reality for All,”
Instead of posting anonymously, why don’t you reveal your name. I guess it’s easier to be rude and hide behind a fake name. That way you can be presumptuous and rude.
That comment is ALSO "awaiting moderation." I am at a loss to understand why they have not added my comments. I said nothing violent. I said nothing hateful. So, why are my comments "awaiting moderation?" I should also note that there are comments that were added by other readers and surround my comments that are "still awaiting moderation."
I also wrote to Mr. Steinberg through a form email at the NYT. I asked him why my comments were still awaiting moderation. If anyone has a direct email for him, please let me know. Thanks!
With that said, do you, dear readers, have any thoughts? I'm just curious about the delay. That's all.
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