The White House is spitting out the same ole sorry message about how they are helping student loan debtors.The focus remains on prospective ...

A non-profit organization dedicated to the eradication of all student loan debt through activism, education, and legislation; because student loan debt is dangerous to the US economy and to the health and well-being of individual Americans and their families. CRYN JOHANNSEN, Founder & Executive Director
The White House is spitting out the same ole sorry message about how they are helping student loan debtors.The focus remains on prospective ...
Regardless of the critics going after Sen. Harkin, I will continue to applaud him for his recent efforts to combat the for-profits. At least...
Annyeong Korea! It's Christmas Eve in Korea. I have no Christmas tree. I have no lights. I have no new dog. I just shipped the puppy-poo...
I am in touch with someone at CNN who is interested in my research on suicide and student loan debtors. They want to move forward with this ...
As most of you know, I am currently working on an article about suicide and student loan debt. Earlier this week, Matt Stannard from Shared ...
Yesterday evening I was interviewed by Matt Stannard at Shared Sacrifice. Our focus was student loan debt and suicide. If you weren't ab...
I've been on a for-profit kick lately (see my previous posts entitled, " Screw U " and " Sordid Relationships And Broken ...
Here's yet another damning clip about for-profits. Please share this post with as many people as you can. The problem, in my view, is bi...
Earlier this year J. Devoy raised the question of mass suicide among debtors in a piece entitled (yeah, you guessed it), "Would mass su...
If your lender is Sallie Mae, I encourage you to read this page carefully. One of my readers sent it to me, and I wish to thank them for th...
So I hear. That's what the wonderful EduBubble recently wrote about. What's worse? Those who went to other business schools (as men...
When working on the topic of death, in this case suicidal thoughts expressed by student loan debtors , it seems inevitable that my own thoug...
I am researching student loan debt and a debtor's suicidal thoughts. A few people have offered to share testimonials about their thought...
Many of my readers encouraged me to start a blog about my experiences in South Korea. So, if you're interested you can read my latest pi...
I am sending another draft to the New England Journal of Higher Education , and hope they will be interested in this next piece on suicide (...
. . . lie to you. Yours truly, Kaplan University A former high-ranking employee named David Goodstein at Kaplan University alleges that stu...
If you haven't read my latest piece, click on this link . I want to thank the New England Board of Higher Education again for publishin...
Kelly Field over at the Chronicle wrote an article that indicates Education Department may have made an error in reporting default rates. Ye...
I've written about Jon Oberg on several occasions. He's the Department of Education's G-man, and he has just settled a big case ...
This forthcoming piece is going to be a good one. I just submitted it to the HuffPost, and it should be up in a few days. My goal is to circ...
I am in the midst of writing a piece for the HuffPost about the sordid relationship between the Washington Post and Kaplan University. On a ...
We've kicked off the next letter writing campaign, and I've sent all the volunteers the first draft that will be sent out via email ...
I wish to express thanks to my amazing readers who offer their talents, and continue to volunteer regularly for All Education Matters (AEM)....
My readers' comments blow me away. In this pithy comment, this attorney says so much. In response to one of several pieces I've wri...
I am currently writing an article for the New England Journal of Higher Education about the problem of health issues, and covering health c...
Nov.3rd 2010. The day has finally come. Sigh. While I know we're glad the election cycle is over, I'd imagine that a lot of my reade...
Why? See here .
Dr. Housing Bubble wrote a piece about recent college educated graduates who can't buy homes, because they must service their student lo...
Yeah, they are doing well, because they CARE. These bastards should be shut down, just like the tobacco industry was. That's my goal. 20...
It's official! All Education Matters (AEM) is now a 501(c)(4) in the state of Delaware. Hooray! I will be providing everyone with our mi...
The subject of suicide must be approached with caution and sensitivity, and I want to make it clear that I am sympathetic to those of you wh...
Thanks to Dustin Slaughter for making this great short the night before I left the country. Dustin is one of nine members on the Board of D...
This morning when I got up to read the countless emails I receive every day from indentured educated servants, I read several disturbing one...
Many of you know that I recently received an invitation to blog for the Huffington Post about the student lending crisis. My first piece en...
[Many of my readers have expressed interest in knowing more about who I am, so this is a new series that I began recently upon receiving so ...
I refuse to accept claims that it's not in our best interest to have a majority of the populace educated, or in the very least have acce...
After writing about Rick Staggenborg's thoughts on education, a few respondents suggested that educating a majority of Americans was not...
[ This series of conversations with candidates is part of a new feature on Education Matters, and is entitled, "New Blood Needed For ...
I wonder how many mothers and fathers, grandmothers and granfathers are facing something similar to this fellow who lost his home after co-s...
This mother is an amazing support to her struggling son. While he is lucky to have a nurturing and gentle parent, it's not enough for th...