Breaking News
Monday, December 6, 2010

Info Post
When working on the topic of death, in this case suicidal thoughts expressed by student loan debtors, it seems inevitable that my own thoughts have turned to imagining my own mortality.

While I do not share the thoughts of those who, sadly, have felt suicidal because of their debt (in one case, as readers will see, a man did decide to take his own life), I certainly am facing a huge fear: dying as an indentured educated servant.

When I was quite young my grandmother suffered from a severe stroke that left her unable to speak for the next 8 years of her life. She lost the ability to move her right arm, and lived in nursing homes the rest of her life. At the end of her life, she wound up in a nursing home that smelled of urine and dirty laundry. Once we arrived in her room, I was terrified by the fact that her roommate, who had short, blueish-gray hair, was covered in urine. Or so it seemed.

That is what I fear the most. Winding up in some despicable nursing home that smells of urine, alone, and still owing interest to the bastards.


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