Here is my second installment about the Occupy Movement over at the Loop21 - "Occupy Together Movement Gets Support of Cornel West, Rus...
Quick Shout Out to AlterNet
I want to publicly thank AlterNet for reposting my piece about the Occupy Wall Street Movement and how it's spreading across the countr...
Quick Post: Obama Approves Collectors To Hunt Down Borrowers On Cell Phones
Over at AOL's Daily Finance Section, reporter Laura Rowley writes , "Hundreds of thousands of borrowers who are behind on their fed...
Book about the student lending crisis
If I were to write a book about the student lending crisis - the ins and outs - would you buy it?
'Occupy Wall Street' Becomes Nationwide Movement
Here's my latest piece at The Loop 21 about the Occupy Wall Street Movement.
Investor: "The Governments do not rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world"
And this guy, along with other traders, have been dreaming of this severe economic crisis. It's how they make money. Here's one thin...
Quick Post: Job Hunters With Poor Credit Scores Turned Away From Employment
Here's my latest story at The Loop21 about folks with poor credit scores and their struggle to find employment .
Occupy Wall Street - Tweet About Student Loan Debt And Medical Debt
@lecreative: RT @matthewstoller: The animating force behind the people here. Debt. #OccupyWallStreet #gfc2 This is ...
Indentured Educated Men
I've written about indentured educated women, and opened up about my own fears of being indebted and unable to ever have a child or own ...
Predatory For-Profits Cashing In From GI Bill
The NYT reported that a large portion of funds from the new Post 9/11 G.I. bill is being funneled into the pernicious, predatory for-profit...
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Responds To An Indentured Educated Constituent
AEM sent a letter to the President on August 10, 2011 . I am presently drafting another letter that will praise the president for his work o...
Congressman DeFazio: "We need to help the next generation to succeed! We need money to pay for it!"
Fellow activist and author, Nando of Third Tier Reality , was watching C-SPAN Live this morning, and shared this clip with me. Congressman ...
Despondent Mother: "We are about to face a two-generation indentured educated class"
Sensationally smart. Wicked sense of humor. Loving. Deeply religious and caring. These are a few words that come to mind when describing my ...
Dustin Slaughter's Picture: "In Debt? You're Not Alone"
Dustin Slaughter (@dustinslaughter) is at Occupy Wall Street. He's been featured on AEM before when he wrote a superb piece about the re...
AEM's Response to FreakOnomics: Justin Wolfer's "Forgive Student Loans? Worst Idea Ever."
Over at FreakOnomics, Justin Wolfers is arguing that the call to forgive student loans is a bad idea . The piece is response to a recent pet...
Kaplan Owned Washington Post Says This: "Stay in School!"
Wow. How brazen can they get? How despicable can they be? Do they not know we see what they are up to? The Kaplan Owned WP just published a ...
Occupy Wall Street - Begins Tomorrow, Sept. 17th
Are you ready to see democracy in action? Tomorrow is the beginning of something big. If you can make it to NYC and OCCUPY WALL STREET , go ...
Grotesque Illustration of the Student Loan Bubble, Plus Thoughts on Student Loan Forgiveness and Bankruptcy Protection Rights
Over at the Reformed Broker, there are illustrations of the student loan bubble . They are grotesque! That's why we need our leaders to...
Here's your diploma, now go file for bankruptcy!
The Kaplan-owned newspaper of shame, which is run by the shameless, featured a piece today about the rise in bankruptcy filings among coll...
Yes! Go Dean Dad! - Remarks About A Student Loan Stimulus
In other blog news . . . over at Inside Higher Ed, Dean Dad wrote a piece entitled, "A Student Loan Stimulus?,' and suggested, than...
The Author's Hour: Robert Whitaker's Anatomy of an Epidemic
The Author's Hour entails interviews with authors who are already published or on their way to being published. The subjects will be w...
Student Loan Defaults - Reader's Reaction, and Why I Still Give A F$%*K! About This Country
Yesterday, I wrote a piece about defaulting on your student loans , and that sparked a lot of interesting reactions from readers. I was most...
Defaulting on Your Student Loans
So many of us have fantasized about defaulting on our student loans. We imagine a collective refusal to pay our debt. We'd do this toget...