Here's my latest piece about the remarks Romney made yesterday about college affordability:
The GOP candidates advice: "Don't take on too much debt"
GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney had a few things to say about college affordability today at a town hall meeting in Youngstown, Ohio. When giving advice to prospective college students, Romney said, “my best advice is: find a great institution of higher learning, find one that has the right place, shop around. In America, this idea of competition, it works. And don’t just go to the one that has the highest price. Go to one that has a little lower price where you can get a good education, and hopefully you’ll find that, and . . . uh . . . don’t take on too much debt.”
The rest of the piece can be read
"Colleges are just like the products sold at Wal-Mart and Target - you need to shop around for that great blue light special. Yup. That's what education means to me. It's just another commodity. But don't even THINK you can return that product if you're dissatisfied. Nope. It stays with you for life." |
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