Breaking News
Monday, August 22, 2011

Info Post
I am headed to the Hill today with a proposal in hand. It offers a multi-solution approach. First up? A meeting with Congressman Hansen Clarke's aides about his proposal to forgive student loan debt. After that, I'm hooking up with a great - and superbly funny - woman who works at an awesome org, Spark Action.

Once I've ironed out the details for the proposal, I'll post that document online.

On a personal note, it feels great to be back. I feel like I'm home, and can't wait to relocate to the east coast again. Incidentally, our flight to DC was absurd. We were scheduled to fly from Dallas to National, but DC was hit by strong thunderstorms, so the plane flew above the city for over an hour. Since we were running low on gas, the pilot, who was quite funny, told us that we were maybe headed to Greensboro, NC. Luckily, we didn't head there. Instead, the flight was diverted to Dulles. We refueled in Dulles and then flew into National! Yup. It was a whopping 48-mile flight, and took less than 20 minutes. Out of the thousands and thousands of flights I've taken in my life, this one was the shortest and silliest. But we made it safe and sound, and I am ready to get to work!

Stay tuned. AEM is stronger than ever, and moving forward. Just remember to grab yer surfboards!


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