Breaking News
Friday, October 14, 2011

Info Post
Last week, I received a great letter from a gentleman in Australia. While the majority of my readers are from the U.S., I actually am receiving more and more hits outside of the country. I receive a lot of letters of support, but those will be followed by hate mail and attacks. So it was quite nice to hear from an Australian who supports my work - that's to say, the timing was just right. This indicates, again, that we're getting LOUDER and LOUDER and LOUDER.

Here's what he had to say:

G'day Cryn,
I'm a regular reader of yours and some of the other blogs on American student debt, out of Australia.  I was stunned when I first stumbled across this issue, which later gave way to outrage - it blows me away.
Anyway, I've wanted to try and do what little I could to raise awareness of the issue here, where we enjoy largely subsidised higher ed with a modest and relatively soft 'co-payment' system.  'Debts' are owed to the government, and only payable once income reaches a certain level.  Repayments are then deducted automatically through the tax system, and interest is pegged to CPI.
I've also been monitoring the 'Occupy' movement with interest, and one thing frustrating me in local coverage was the absence of what I sense is a big driver - student debt - and a lack of appreciation of just what you are up against.
Moved to act, I've today written the following piece, published to the opinion section of our ABC (major public broadcaster):
I really wanted to emphasise the debt angle (and hope I got the broad details right!).
Anyway, the very best with your endeavours.  I wanted to let you know your work is resonating far and wide.
Jim Forbes
On behalf of the indentured educated class, I want to publicly thank Jim for his support. It means a great to all of us.


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