Breaking News
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Info Post
Wow. So, I have been reporting, as well as others, notably Dustin Slaughter (@DustinSlaughter), about the direct relationship between the occupy movement and student loan debt. As you can see from my related links below, those two themes have been covered since the 17th of September!

WSJ reporter Mary Pilon has apparently 'realized' the connection, but it seems a little late, don't it?

Related Links

"Powerful Image: College Professor Denouncing Student Loan Debt," AEM (Oct. 12, 2011)

"Barbara Ehrenreich: 'The Guys in the 1% Brought This On,'" AEM (Oct. 12, 2011)

"Youth Across the World Denouncing Neoliberalism, the Politics of Hate, and Casino Capitalism," AEM (Oct. 11, 2011)

"We are the 99 Percent Tumblr: 17-year-old Indentured Educated Girl," AEM (Oct. 11, 2011)

"Fox News: Poll About Wall Street (#OWS)," AEM (Oct. 10, 2011)

"Data and Ideology of the We are the 99% Tumblr," AEM (Oct. 9, 2011)

"Most Amazing Image Today: World War II Veteran Supports Occupy Wall Street," AEM (Oct. 9, 2011)

"Another Platform for the Indentured Educated Class: Seriously Subversive," AEM (Oct. 6. 2011)

"Heading to Austin and Raising More Funds," AEM (Oct. 6, 2011)

"[UPDATED] Latest: Cops Beating Protesters at Occupy Wall Street Protest," AEM (Oct. 5, 2011)

"Please Donate - Let Me Represent You," AEM (Oct. 4, 2011)

"Occupy Wall Street, the Obama Campaign, and Everybody Else on the Hill," AEM (Oct. 3, 2011)

"Gregory Warner at NPR's Marketplace Discusses Occupy Wall Street And Student Loan Debt,"  AEM (Oct. 3, 2011)

"The Simpsons: Capturing the Zeigeist (Plus some notes about Occupy America and AEM's Fall Itinerary)," AEM (Oct 2, 2011)

"Occupy Sallie Mae," AEM (Oct. 1, 2011)

"Occupy Wall Street Movement Gets Support of Cornel West, Russell Simmons, Lupe Fiasco," The (September 30, 2011)

"'Occupy Wall Street' Becomes Nationwide Movement," The (Sept. 27, 2011)

"Occupy Wall Street - Tweet About Student Loan Debt And Medical Debt," AEM (Sept. 25, 2011)

"Dustin Slaughter's Picture: 'In Debt? You're Not Alone,'" AEM (Sept. 19, 2011)

"Occupy Wall Street - Begins Tomorrow, Sept. 17th," AEM (Sept. 16, 2011)


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